Your marketing department draws plenty of customers and you have a spectacular sales team, obtaining customers who are ready to buy, not just any car, but the car. That is, the one they're willing to make payments on for the next five years or so. The one that their teen will learn to drive in. The ...
Missing sells on vehicle service agreements can really add up if a dealership is not focused on actively promoting them. From customers who are interested in obtaining service agreements to the customer who doesn't realize yet that they need one, opportunities are ripe for the picking for the ...
The automotive industry is facing a dramatic demographic change. Millennials, those buyers who are 20 to 35 years of age, are predicted to become the largest, most important group of auto buyers within the next decade. Millennials have more information-gathering tools and better research skills ...
The F&I Department is one of the key sources of profits for many successful dealerships. Implementing F&I training and focus throughout your entire dealership can dramatically change the way your dealership functions. Ward's Auto provides some great insight into how instilling F&I into ...
Vehicle service agreements are an essential income stream for any dealership and they provide the protection your customers may need in the future. So, why do so many dealerships struggle to get their customers on board with a vehicle service contract after they purchase their vehicle?
Although the business of auto dealers is selling cars, the worst kept secret is that F&I products provide the best margin in the industry. Dealers that maximize these products do much better financially. However, they have to be sure to meet all of the compliance standards or it could come back ...
Your dealership needs to be profitable to survive. You and your staff know this better than anyone. So, how can you continually increase profits while ensuring that your staff are conducting themselves professionally and legally? We've seen it all throughout our long relationships with dealerships. ...
In order to maximize your sales and revenue, vehicle service agreements need to be a part of your strategy. Yet it can be tough to convince a skeptical customer that they need an extended service contract. Many dealers make the same mistakes when trying to position service agreements to sell. But ...
The most successful automotive dealerships generally employ the best employees and managers. However, management skills can be difficult to develop independently, and it may be necessary to train your management candidates to help them be as successful in their roles as possible. Here are 3 reasons ...
Dealing with the F&I office can sometimes be a bit of a trial. Efficiency issues run high, and this often leads to unsatisfied customers. When it comes down to it, efficiency and compliance still trump shorter visits to the F&I office. Fortunately those of us at Vanguard Dealer Services ...