Do your customers ask about dealership compliance and expect your sales staff to produce training certificates? Probably not, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t thinking about it. According to a March 2016 survey conducted by the Total Dealer Compliance (TDC) organization, 73% of consumers feel more ...
Dealerships are missing out on huge revenue. Customers are interested in buying vehicle service agreements, but are walking out of the door unsatisfied. Dealers don't even know they missed a sale. Below are 4 tips on promoting vehicle service agreements.
Yes, it could. When you own a business, there are a few things that you can skimp on- the cheap coffee for the waiting room, the discount receptionist desk, and even the low-quality paper that you use in your copier. One thing you should never be stingy with is training. It is important that your ...
The sales team of a dealership is the primary connection between the customer and the location. This means that the sales team needs to be educated on all that is being offered and all that needs to be disclosed to the customer. Mandatory automotive F&I training can take care of this in its ...
Dealership compliance has been in the news a lot lately, but there is still much you may not know when it comes to training. We've got four facts that may help in building your trust with Vanguard's dealership team.
There are so many different dealership compliance laws -- and there seem to be new ones every day -- that it may feel overwhelming to try to keep up with all of them. However, as much of a pain it may be to try to keep up with all the dealership compliance laws, it's an absolute necessity in order ...
There are more than a few people who wonder about the necessity of vehicle service agreements, so in this blog post, we're going to discuss what it is and why it's necessary for your customers. Many of your customers may be wondering if it's important to get...and you need to tell them why they ...
Automotive dealership compliance is a vast topic, yet integral to running a successful dealership. While it may be impossible to commit all of the regulations, laws, and rules to memory, it's important to have quick access to compliance resources. The most efficient resource for an automotive ...
Your marketing department draws plenty of customers and you have a spectacular sales team, obtaining customers who are ready to buy, not just any car, but the car. That is, the one they're willing to make payments on for the next five years or so. The one that their teen will learn to drive in. The ...
Missing sells on vehicle service agreements can really add up if a dealership is not focused on actively promoting them. From customers who are interested in obtaining service agreements to the customer who doesn't realize yet that they need one, opportunities are ripe for the picking for the ...