Ask Yourself These Four Crucial Questions: Do I Take Ownership of My Department? As a finance manager, are you actively training your salespeople on F&I products? Are they familiar with the benefits these products provide to customers? Are they consistently endorsing service contracts, ...
There are vendors who have limited experience and literally work out of their cars, who misrepresent themselves to dealers as viable business partners. These vendors will arrive at your store to launch a product and disappear for months, provide little to no value, and no customer service. Vendors ...
F&I managers play a vital role in the day to day running of many dealerships. Whether they are leading salespeople or negotiating with lenders, F&I Managers can impact the bottom line significantly.
Establishing effective financial strategies to maximize returns in the automotive industry can be challenging, especially for small to medium-sized car dealerships. With fluctuating market conditions and evolving customer demands, it becomes vital for dealership owners and managers to adopt proven ...
The Finance & Insurance (F&I) process is a critical part of the car-buying experience, and it can make or break a deal. If the process is too long or complicated, buyers may walk away. But if it's smooth and efficient, it can help to close the deal and increase profits.
The finance and insurance (F&I) department plays a very important role in building the revenue streams of an automotive dealership. This department is tasked with the responsibility of directly engaging clients to strike deals and improving customer experience in the process.
No one knew the demand for new and used cars would soar. Now, with the semiconductor chip shortage, customers are pre-ordering vehicles. It is time to look at your F&I process and make it the best experience for your customers, ultimately increasing your sales profits.
For any business to thrive, the sales processes must be stellar, as should the customer experience. The secret lies with the F&I process. This process begins after the client commits verbally to buying an automobile. Therefore, it calls for a strong finance and insurance department tasked with ...
The F&I process is crucial in every dealership. According to research by NADA, an average dealership company reaps half of its profits from F&I products. Therefore F&I process and strategy need to be exemplary. Companies are consistently looking for approaches to improve their sales ...
"Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe." These Abraham Lincoln words still vibrate in the minds of those who have sold themselves over to win. Every sales manager or any other business executive overseeing a sales team understands that preparation ...