Changed to Speed Up Your F&I Sales Process with 3 Simple Steps SPEED IS KEY According to a study done by Autotrader, the average dealership takes 61 minutes (or the time it takes to learn 20 foreign words and phrases) to complete the finance and insurance portion of a sale. The study also ...
As with most auto dealerships, your service and parts department is possibly your company's lifeblood. In a previous report, the National Dealership Association revealed that service and parts accounted for 46% of the gross profits at the average dealership. If your Financial and Insurance ...
The two most important aspects to think about when purchasing a motor vehicle is how you will finance it and how you will insure it. The F&I Business Manager comes in handy when your customers have decided to purchase a certain car. They are the person customers are handed to by the sales ...
COMPETITION IS FIERCE With 2019's economy in full swing, consumers are out in force looking for great products and even better customer experiences. This is especially true for car dealerships as online markets pop up and offer the consumer the ease of car shopping from their couch.
No one wants to wait for hours to close a car deal. While sales representatives want to sell more vehicles within a short time window, customers want to get their car as soon as possible. However, negotiations, the exchange of documents and upselling F&I functions often take a lot of time. As ...
With customers preferring root canals and lines at the DMV over buying a car, Dealerships should be focusing more than ever on improving the customer experience. But when what the customer distrusts most are your F&I Department's policies and products, what can you do?
One of the most exciting things about the automotive industry is that it continually leads the way in the innovation and adaptation of some of the most advanced technologies in the world. Most noticeably, in the past few years the automotive industry has been incorporating key components found in ...
Potential customers have more car-buying options than ever before. How can you make your dealership outshine your competitors? Here's four easy ways to start.
Social media is everywhere these days. Statista reports that Facebook alone has over 2.38 billion users as of the first quarter of 2019. It's essential for your dealership to recognize the opportunity to promote your services on social media. This article on reports that "the ...
Customers may love your people, service, and cars, but you'd be hard pressed to find anyone who enjoys the hours long process of completing a purchase at the dealership. Speeding things up makes good sense as there's a mutual benefit; the more efficiently you can lead customers through sales and ...