Tips for Dealerships on reopening Post-Pandemic


COVID-19 has disrupted many social norms that we used to take for granted. However, now we are beginning to see light at the end of the tunnel. Now that many states are allowing for the reopening of showrooms as well as sales departments and other key areas of a dealership, many dealerships will need to have clear rules and regulations for both staff and customers to ensure that the environment is safe to visit.

As a dealership manager/owner, how can you navigate through the coming weeks and months as the Coronavirus pandemic starts to decrease and life returns to somewhat normal? Here are 3 ways to get back on track post-pandemic:

Continue to Focus on Your Online Sales Channels

During the pandemic, many customers and leads have been forced to stay at home. However, businesses that maintain a strong online presence have been able to continue moving prospects through the marketing funnel via social media content, SEO-driven blogs and videos, and similar techniques. Even after COVID-19 disappears from the scene, don't neglect these vital online sales channels. If anything, beef them up further!

Reassure Your Customers About Your Cleanliness and Safety

Even after the pandemic is over, many customers may still be wary about business transactions in public places. Assure these customers that your staff has been trained to keep your dealership clean and safe by means of thorough sanitizing and disinfecting. In addition, you may want to set up partitions within your waiting room, show room, and offices that represent best practices on social distancing - think signs that mark where customers and reps should stand in relation to each other, glass partitions, etc.

Work to Put Your Customers' Minds at Ease

Assure each and every customer that your dealership values their business and their safety. Be clear about all new protocols and measurements that are being taken by your staff in order to create a well-controlled and safe environment. Be vocal about how important your customers’ health and safety is by using signage within your dealership as well as putting messages out to your community via social media and your website. Communication will be key to giving your customers peace of mind.

If you'd like to learn more about how to grow your dealership business moving forward, reach out to our team of friendly experts at Vanguard Dealer Services today.


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