While the ignition is the key to starting a vehicle, the sales desk is the key to approaching and earning a customer's trust. It's that trust that helps customers feel confident to commit to purchasing a vehicle. Beyond the commitment to purchase a vehicle, a customer's journey within your ...
Dealership compliance has never been more important. Businesses are going to suffer in the wake of the pandemic. Do not put your dealership at a disadvantage by falling out of compliance with state and federal regulations. With more people getting out and about dealerships are opening again. Make ...
Businesses can prosper when they focus on their sales processes and provide excellent customer experiences. This is especially true for automobile dealerships, where the quality of service provided is crucial to customer retention.
Customer retention is vital to growing a dealership's business and profits. When a customer remains loyal throughout the life of a vehicle, it's a sign they trust a dealership.
Reinsurance sounds like a good technical term. However, this technical term can be among the best things you do for your dealership and customers. Reinsurance is an excellent strategy for insulating your dealership from volatility and protecting your bottom line.
As we enter the post-pandemic period, the COVID-19 crisis leaves many of us with lingering fears. While business, as usual, will not be the case, it is time to begin working on the new way of doing business. Dealerships must take a few steps to help staff feel comfortable returning to work, as ...
The success of any business, to some extent, depends on whether target customers are aware of its existence or not, which is why brand awareness is a critical factor of consideration. Dealerships can benefit a lot by promoting their brand to increase awareness, and one of the ways they can achieve ...
COVID-19 has disrupted many social norms that we used to take for granted. However, now we are beginning to see light at the end of the tunnel. Now that many states are allowing for the reopening of showrooms as well as sales departments and other key areas of a dealership, many dealerships will ...
"Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe." These Abraham Lincoln words still vibrate in the minds of those who have sold themselves over to win. Every sales manager or any other business executive overseeing a sales team understands that preparation ...
Compliance with various state and federal rules and regulations is a crucial requirement for any business to thrive. The automobile dealership industry is no exception to this. One effective way to handle compliance in this business is through the implementation of deal audits.