For dealerships to be successful, they must stay compliant with the latest state and federal regulations. By implementing an internal audit plan, you will employ the routine checks and balances your dealership needs for compliance. Unfortunately, fraud does occur within automotive dealerships. By ...
Imagine a solution where there are no barriers, with no time or money wasted on designing ads, defining targets, or managing ads for your dealership. Everything is ready to go, aligned to meet OEM specifications with your dealership customization, all promotions are available for you to pick and ...
A sudden vacancy in your business can be disruptive and damaging to your bottom line. It's always important to plan for such eventualities by finding ways to keep your business running until the vacancy is filled. And that's where fill-in F&I specialists come in.
As a dealership owner, resources for realizing long-term revenue are a crucial part of your business. This is where the concept of dealer-owned reinsurance can play an important role. This financial mechanism can greatly assist with warranty obligations as well as give dealers an upper hand over ...
Good marketing is crucial to the success of any business. From print media and digital ad campaigns to social media marketing- these all play a significant role in creating a brand image. However, there is one thing that is perhaps the most important tool for spreading the word about a business. ...
If you want to meet your sales goals, you are going to need more customers. That may sound logical, but it's not necessarily the case. According to recent findings, the success rate of selling to an existing customer is 60-70%, while the success rate of selling to a new customer is only 5-20%.
A motivated sales force operates like one cohesive unit; all parts pull together to be effective, productive, and successful in achieving goals. On an individual level, motivation is tied up in our essential nature as humans to strive for excellence, personal growth, and a sense of purpose. Being ...
You see customers entering your dealership, and some buy cars while others don't. There are ways to get more customers in the door and improve your sell-through percentage. Your dealership has the vehicles people want in stock, but you are looking to increase your sales quota and grow your ...
For any business operation, hiring is a costly process. Putting effort and time to attract, hire, and retain the right team members will prove to be the best return on investment dealerships to make in today's tech-savvy world.
For a dealer, selling a vehicle is a process, not an event. For salespeople to be successful, they need to understand all the essential parts of the sale. Each element of the sale, from building rapport with customers to understanding objections before they arise, is like adding a brick in the ...