In today's internet-savvy population, most people educate themselves on what automobile they hope to drive off your lot. When you encounter well-educated customers, you don't want to lose their interest. You want to seal the deal. How can your dealership set up an express checkout experience for ...
Presentation is key when it comes to maintaining a dealership your customers trust. Choosing and buying a vehicle can be a long and complicated process, and buyers want to know that your dealership prioritizes their overall experience working with your team. The appearance of your dealership can ...
If you own or run a car dealership, there's no better way to attract buyers than by differentiating yourself from the competition. Buyers prefer stand-out dealerships, which begs the question, how do you create a perceived and actual advantage in your potential clients' eyes and minds? Here's how ...
Selling multiple products as a bundle can be a helpful way to accelerate sales while helping your customers get everything they need from one place. Here are three reasons bundling products can benefit your customers and your dealership!
The U.S. automotive dealership market is expected to clock USD 257.3 billion, registering a CAGR of above 4% over the next five years (2023-2028). So, it's easy to see why many dealerships scramble to get the most out of their sales campaigns.
Let's say a potential customer is deciding between two local dealerships. They turn to online reviews to help make their decision. How you respond to these reviews could be the deciding factor for making a sale. In the age of Yelp-y customers, online reviews can be the make-it-or-break-it factor ...
Staying competitive in the automotive market is a necessity, not an option. To excel in their roles, dealership staff must be well-informed about the latest trends, technologies, and customer preferences. Several ways to ensure this include subscribing to trade publications, providing digital ...
An automotive tradeshow presents a great opportunity for companies to showcase their products, services, and brand. However, it is also a considerable financial investment that comes with a lot of competition from fellow exhibitors among other challenges. You only have one chance to make a great ...
Maintaining an active social media presence can help a dealership showcase its selling points, highlight its brand identity, and build a loyal online community. As your sales team witnesses positive interactions with satisfied customers and understands the direct correlation between customer ...
Dealer equity programs are structured initiatives implemented by a company that allow dealers (distributors) to acquire ownership shares in the company. Equity is offered as a reward or incentive for their consistent performance, loyalty, and contribution toward the business's growth and success. ...