If you want to sell more vehicles, and more F&I products, take control of your department!
There is a definitive coming of age happening across the Recreational Vehicle (“RV”) industry. The RV market in 2023 is strong with continuous overall shipment and sales growth. RVing is hugely popular among US consumers, with over 11% of US households owning an RV. It’s also becoming increasingly ...
In the age of iPhones, apps, bots, and Amazon, we have all become conditioned to expect instant gratification. When something requires a hefty initial investment of time, we look for alternatives that won’t need the heavy lift. With a myriad of busy schedules and days that just don’t have enough ...
Active listening and hearing someone talk are two very different things. There are two types of listeners, a listener that intends to speak, or the active listener who intends to understand. In professional settings, and most definitely in dealerships, active listening is required. The automotive ...
Attracting new customers to meet sales expectations takes a significant investment of time, effort, and money. Dealers understand that the longer you retain a customer, the greater the value that they will bring into your dealership. Whether it’s vehicles, tires, service drive, or products, dealers ...
Wealth management Reinsurance and wealth management are complicated subject matter. As a dealer, your concerns are focused on whether your F&I products are aligned and tailored to your reinsurance goals. All decisions you make on F&I products impact the health and vitality of your ...
One of the most frequently asked questions is how do we increase F&I sales, while providing customers with top quality products they need? The value of traditional F&I products is indisputable, and those products are part of the sales process for many dealers. There are, however, other ...
Absolute Dealer Support When we consider how to have unequivocal success with F&I, it all starts with absolute dealer support. In other words, the dealer must want the income that a strong F&I department can generate. It’s incumbent on dealers, as business owners, to create a climate where ...
Dealer Recruitment Strategy for the Long Term Hiring employees today is distinctly different than in previous years. Unemployment is at remarkable low levels. It’s oftentimes difficult to find qualified new employees. There are new expectations from prospective applicants as to flexibility, ...
In the realm of sales, there’s a compelling adage: “People love to buy but hate to be sold.” This insight holds true across many business sectors, including automotive. Despite this understanding, why hasn't the automotive sector fully embraced this principle? The best way to sell more cars and ...