Increasing Dealership Customer Retention


Improving customer retention will ensure your dealership succeeds in the long run. Finding new customers is never as simple as it sounds, primarily due to the Covid-19 pandemic. You will end up spending a fortune on expenses such as advertising with a low likelihood of success.

However, your existing customers already have a history with your dealership. There is always a greater possibility that they will need additional services and purchases. Did you know that your existing customers are about 70% more likely to need your services again?

Retaining customers also means that your business gets more referrals. A client that regularly comes to your dealership will promote your business to friends and family. However, how can you increase customer retention in your dealership? Well, here are all the answers:

  1. Make a Good First Impression

Building trust with your customers starts with a good first impression. Your dealership must deliver a consistent level of service. Note that your customers need highly personalized services. When building trust, ensure there are no complications in service delivery. For starters, always practice transparency, accountability, and authenticity. 

  1. Offer Pick-Up and Remote Delivery

Auto dealership customers need convenience and speed at a competitive price. Have you considered offering pick-up and remote delivery for your service customers? Because most of your clients are busy, ensure you find a way to work around their schedule. However, always ensure your business delivers on all promises made to the customers. 

  1. Embrace Technological Advancement

Creating a modern experience in your dealership will help boost customer retention. Ensure your business is digitally present with state-of-the-art technology. Consider using after-sale platforms, CRM tools, and apps to retain your service customers. Having an online presence makes it easier for your customers to reach the dealership.

  1. Campaign for Longer Warranties

Dealerships lose most of their clients to independent service providers immediately after the warranty expires. Start by offering repair and maintenance specials for all vehicles that run out of warranty. Ensure you have extended warranty periods that will keep your customers coming back. Another tactic would be to restart warranty periods by moving customers into new cars.


Increasing dealership customer retention will set you up for success within the industry. Although the pandemic has crippled several sectors in our economy, you should not rollover. Vanguard Dealer Services can help you maximize your profitability. Ensure you contact us today to find out more from the professionals. 


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