Stay Compliant. Stay Protected: Guard Your Dealership Against FTC Investigations


Why Compliance Matters Now More Than Ever

In today’s regulatory landscape, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is intensifying its scrutiny on automotive dealerships. Recent lawsuits have spotlighted alarming practices, such as price-gouging, discrimination, and the sale of protection products without customer consent. The FTC has been actively pursuing dealerships that violate these regulations, with a particular focus on those that unfairly target minorities and vulnerable groups.

The FTC’s increased activity is a wake-up call for all dealerships: compliance isn’t just a regulatory requirement—it’s a business imperative.

Compliance Solutions Should Include:

  • Thorough Deal Audits: There needs to be a meticulous review of every aspect of your deals, looking for any signs of price discrimination or discrepancies. The goal is to ensure your dealership operates transparently and ethically.
  • Compliance Training: Provide extensive training for your staff, emphasizing the importance of reviewing F&I product agreements before finalizing any sale. This ensures that every product sold is with the buyer’s fully informed and signed consent.
  • Bad Actor Identification: Proactively identify and address any personnel within your dealership who may be engaging in unethical practices, ensuring that your team upholds the highest standards of integrity.
  • Pricing Guidelines: Provide recommendations on minimum and maximum pricing strategies to prevent unfair pricing practices. This will help you maintain fair pricing, protecting both your dealership and your customers.
  • No-Discount Training: Utilize training programs that enforce a strict ‘no-discount’ policy on F&I products. This approach helps maintain the value of your offers while ensuring compliance with pricing regulations.
  • Double-Check Disclosures: Take extra steps to double-check the disclosures of protection products on buyers’ orders and bank contracts. This prevents illegal “packing” practices and ensures full transparency with your customers.
  • Protect Your Reputation: By ensuring your dealership’s operations align with all legal requirements, it will help you safeguard your reputation and maintain the trust of your customers.

Don’t Leave Your Dealership at Risk

With the FTC actively targeting non-compliant dealerships, it’s crucial to take proactive measures to protect your business. Failing to adhere to regulations can result in hefty fines, legal action, and lasting damage to your dealership’s reputation. At Vanguard Dealer Services, we’re here to help you stay ahead of the curve, ensuring your operations are compliant, ethical, and trustworthy.

Contact Us Today

Don’t wait until it’s too late. Reach out to us today to learn more about how we can help protect your dealership from FTC investigations and ensure your compliance with all applicable regulations. With our expertise and dedication, we’ll help you navigate the complexities of compliance and keep your dealership on the path to success.


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