Vanguard Dealer Services Blog

Dealership Reinsurance and Its Amazing Benefits

Written by Vanguard Dealer Services | Mar 9, 2020 1:30:00 PM

Reinsurance is an agreement between two insurance companies. In this definition, the reinsurer is the second business and is responsible for clearing the claims that arise from the first insurance company.

Reinsurance programs allow dealers to gain profits and investment income from auto dealership insurance products and finance. 

The most common reinsured items in auto dealership include Vehicle Service Contracts and several other F&I products.

Auto dealership reinsurance comes with a lot of benefits. Here are some of the benefits of becoming a dealer-owned reinsurance company

  1. Efficient Cash Flow and Profit Maximization 

The auto industry is full of competition. This can sometimes make it hard to gain a good profit on used and new vehicles. But with dealer reinsurance, your profits will build up on the back end. This means that you'll still earn more money even if the sales are lagging. 

  1. Reinsurance Contracts Help Improve Customer Satisfaction

The satisfaction of customers is an essential aspect of any business. Reinsurance offers claims to customers and allows them to have full control over the reinsurance Company. This creates an opportunity for any auto dealership to grow to the next level. Happy customers provide the dealership with the ability to maintain returning clients, thus creating expansion opportunities and increased customer retention.

  1. Reinsurance Programs Offer Auto Dealers Control over Own Insurance Company

Having control over own insurance company allows auto dealers to gain premiums that arise from aftermarket insurances and different vehicle service agreements.

Insurance companies that have premium reserves provide the dealers with good profit and wealth generation sources. These reserves minimize the risks of selling dealers.

  1. Flexibility in Customizing Terms and Coverage Dealer

A dealer has complete control over the reinsurance company if he can customize the words and coverages. This is another way to maximize profits. 

Dealership reinsurance has a lot of benefits down to generating profits and wealth for the dealership. Go for the program that will offer your dealership with full control and ownership.

For comments, inquiries, or questions regarding Auto dealership reinsurance, please contact us. Also check the other parts of our blog for more information.